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Abby looking fab.

I must foment chaos among the Capeside kids, then go kidnap slightly over 100 dalmation puppies.

This week we talk you through a fantastic episode from late season 2.  Joey’s dad is out of prison and taking over her life and her livelihood.  He’s running the Icehouse, and he’s booked them a catering job at a wedding.  Naturally, Joey has to hire all of her friends to help.  All but one.  Sweet Jenny Linds.  So while Dawson, Joey, Jack, Andi, and Pacey have fun in their vests serving canapes to the high and mighty of Capeside, Jen is left out, and naturally seeks solace in the arms of Abby Morgan.  Together they get hammered, crash the wedding, and end up out on the pier where… well, we know what happens to Abby on piers.  It’s the beginning of the end for our personal favorite antagonist, join us for the ride.