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Name a more iconic Power Trio.

Babies. Periods. Pacey.  Three things that come out of vaginas.  Also, three things that are, at least this week: late.  Welcome to our third viewing of Season 4’s Late, which finds us waiting on a baby sister for Dawson, waiting on what Joey hopes will be an indicator of no baby at all, and waiting on Pacey to get his sexy little caboose back to Capeside to console his girl. It’s a fine episode, and it’s got everything you want in mid-run Dawson’s Creek, but we’ve seen it several times now, so don’t be surprised if your humble hosts stray from the plot and talk amongst themselves a bit.  That’s what you get with this podcast.  Sometimes you’re just listening to two guys breathing while The Creek plays almost-inaudibly in the background.  Sometimes you get to listen to two guys talk about what they’ve been watching on Netflix while The Creek plays almost-inaudibly in the background.  Hey, it is what it is, we never claimed we deserved an award.  Though, now that I’m thinking about it, I feel like there really should be an award for podcast consistency, and we definitely deserve that.  So yeah, we do deserve an award.  And so do you, for downloading our podcast.  Thank you, fair listener.  Your prize awaits you as soon as you hit that play button.

Theme by Sound of Days.

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