Episode 213 – Four Stories
After some light pre-show banter, and a very important announcement, we hilariously roll a 73 on the RNGesus app, which gives us our first watch through of Four Scary Stories. This ep is a series of smaller stories featuring some of the Major players of the time. To be honest, it pretty much watches like a regular episode, except that the story lines are separated instead of mixed together. Basically it’s a cheap gimmick. To recap: Pacey and Jojo just made boom boom and must now deal with the boring and awkward fallout of that. Dawson just watched his mentor die, and went to a very rushed funeral, and must deal with the fallout of that. Jen and Jack narrowly escaped awkward sexcapades, but pretty quickly get past the fallout of that, then we get to see Jen meet her therapist. And lastly Joey and Dawson meet up and Joey lies to Big D’s face when he asks an entirely inappropriate question that was none of his business. Up to speed? Good.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 212 – Lat3
Babies. Periods. Pacey. Three things that come out of vaginas. Also, three things that are, at least this week: late. Welcome to our third viewing of Season 4’s Late, which finds us waiting on a baby sister for Dawson, waiting on what Joey hopes will be an indicator of no baby at all, and waiting on Pacey to get his sexy little caboose back to Capeside to console his girl. It’s a fine episode, and it’s got everything you want in mid-run Dawson’s Creek, but we’ve seen it several times now, so don’t be surprised if your humble hosts stray from the plot and talk amongst themselves a bit. That’s what you get with this podcast. Sometimes you’re just listening to two guys breathing while The Creek plays almost-inaudibly in the background. Sometimes you get to listen to two guys talk about what they’ve been watching on Netflix while The Creek plays almost-inaudibly in the background. Hey, it is what it is, we never claimed we deserved an award. Though, now that I’m thinking about it, I feel like there really should be an award for podcast consistency, and we definitely deserve that. So yeah, we do deserve an award. And so do you, for downloading our podcast. Thank you, fair listener. Your prize awaits you as soon as you hit that play button.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 211 – Will Bella Scout Her Mom? PART TWO!
We’ve threatened it before, and this week we make good on our threats. We rolled a dealers choice, none of the DC eps were singing to us, but yet we had a distinct urge to revisit Rawley, and so we did! There’s no rule that says we can’t! Sorry, listeners! Anyway as a quick recap, Bella & Scout are probably brother & sister, but they also wanna bang. Bella would also not mind banging Matt Czuchry, and who can blame her. Meanwhile Hamilton and Jake are considering banging, even though up to this point everyone has thought Jake was a guy, now he’s a girl. Wil Krudski is also on this show. It’s teen drama gibberish, and for some reason we love it. We hope you do too. If not, The Creek will return next week, we promise.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 10 – The All Night3r
The All Nighter is a much beloved episode of our podcast, so we are happy to give it the third viewing, and sendoff it deserves. If you’ll recall, there is a big test coming up for the class that the whole gang is in except Jack, even though he must have another class taught by the same teacher, because it’s the guy that hassles him to read his coming-out poem. So the gang, minus jack, plus Chris has to cram for this big test, and they decide to do it in Chris’ satellite-dish-equipped mansion. Of course, when horny teens get together after the sun goes down, sexy shenanigans ensue, hearts are broken, and prophylactics are soiled. All ends well however, and the gang gets to class in time, only to find that all their suffering was for naught. It’s a fun bottle episode that we enjoy, and seeing as it’s our third run-through, we have a little time to peruse a purity test of our own. The results will shock you! Now that’s some sexy clickbait.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 209 – The Election
In a strange twist of fate, one of the episodes we almost chose on last week’s Dealer’s Choice episode, is the one we organically rolled this week. And as an added bonus, it’s episode 2-09 and this is episode 209 of our podcast! WTFOMGBBQ? So this episode has the kids diving into school politics. Andie wants to run for pres, and she wants Joey to be her running mate. Will they beat Abby & The Dawson’s Creep? Will they beat the nerds? Will there be collusion with a foreign power? You’ll find out soon. Also as an adorable side plot, Dawson is learning how to be a teenager from Jen. They steal stuff, they skinny dip in the moonlight, Dawson watches his parents bang. I wish my teenage years were half that good! Also Pacey helps out with the campaign and Jack lends moral support to both his girlfriend and sister while clearly dealing with some of his own stuff that hasn’t come to a head yet. It’s a good ep! Enjoy it with us, your bros! Thanks!
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 208 – Escape from Witch Island

Auteur. Trendsetter. Visionary. Hire Dawson Leery for your next birthday party or Bar Mitzvah and immortalize your coming of age, in the magic… OF FILM.
It’s one of those magical episodes where we are blessed with our choice of episode. And since we couldn’t decide we randomly selected out of a few we haven’t seen yet. Fate dictated we would watch Escape from Witch Island, and so we did. This episode finds Joey being particularly annoying and clingy as she hassles Dawson about not wanting to get up innat when offered. It also finds Pacey and Jen hatching a plan for some casual sexcapades with no strings attached. Meanwhile, back at the Cape, Andie is taking her role on the disciplinary committee seriously. Very seriously. She is doling out discipline left and right, much to the enjoyment of one of your beloved hosts. All things considered, not as good as remembered, but still a relatively fun ep. We hope you like it too.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 207 – Homecoming II
All good things must come to an end, friends. All good ships must eventually be relegated to the bottom of the sea. And so it is, this week, for the Pandies. This week we watch Homecoming, in which Pacey (with the help of Joey) sneaks Andie out of her temporary refuge, and back to the chaos of Capeside. However, things aren’t as he left them with his girlfriend, and he soon finds out that her emotional state wasn’t the only thing getting worked over during her months away. Meanwhile, Dawson is inexplicably embroiled in a sexy fling with the young Eve, which is ridiculous and insane, but fun enough to watch. And Jackers is dealing with the reunification of his family, and the failings of his father. Jen is also in this episode, spending most of it in a tattered Capeside Minutemen cheerleader outfit, so the ep has that going for it as well. We enjoyed this trip back to early 3rd season, and we hope you enjoy the ride with us. Now is the time, hit play. Do it, DO IT NOW! WHAD AH YOU WAIDING FOAH?
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 206 – The Abbey 2

So much sexual tension even the lamp is turned on. Ugh, this is the first caption I’m actually ashamed of, but I literally have nothing else, and screenshots for this episode are VERY hard to Google. Go ahead, Try it, I’ll wait…
Nothin but Abby Morgan pics, right? Told ya! So take my lamp joke and lets just MOVE ON to the synopsis cuz like Jack Nicholson said in that movie that came out about the same time as this episode, this is as good as it gets.
SEASON FIVE IS BACK!!!! *BEEYAH BEEYAH WAH WAH WAAAAAH* So it’s been a while since we’ve rolled “a cinco”, but the time is nigh, and we are diving into this shallow pool knees first, like you do. The episode is The Abby, notably spelled like the proper name. Joey is going back to Capeside after an awkward and inappropriate goodbye to Professor “I-wanna-dip-my-balls-in-it” Wilder. Audrey is gonna tag along because she’s spontaneous and fun like that. Dawson is sanding a boat. Pacey is about to cook the most important dinner service of his life, but decides to toss his future to the winds in order to prove a point, as he likes to do. And Jen and Jackers are discussing summer vacation plans. This is the penultimate episode of Season 5. If this were in the style of Game of Thrones, 2 characters would die, one would probably have his skin flayed off, and another would be with-child. But it’s late-series Dawson’s Creek so it is completely, 100% inconsequential. We still have fun with it though, cuz we’re just two dudes who like having fun. You know who else likes having fun?
Sound of Days, who did our theme, and
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Episode 205 – Show me Love II

If you frame-by-frame that part in Event Horizon when they are showing the hell dimension, this is what you will see. Minus the sweet lava lamp.
This week brings us back around to a season 3 favorite, and we consume it with much aplomb. Show Me Love finds us just before the annual Capeside Regatta (never mentioned again), in which Leery’s Fresh Fish has chosen to sponsor one Pacey Whitter, in spite of his recent troubles with the Leery firstborn. Said firstborn, not to be outdone by the soulmate of his soulmate, decides to borrow a boat and enter the race for himself. The prize: The affections of one Josephine Potter, should she choose to put them up for grabs. Spoiler alert: She doesn’t, and things get real awkward after the race. Meanwhile Henry, having done basically nothing wrong in previous episodes, is trying to win back the affection of Jen by protesting her house and place of business. Hey Henry? Lets try to keep it civil mkay? Let Jen eat in peace.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 204 – Ch Ch Ch Changes
Its rare these days that we organically roll up an episode we haven’t seen, but for once we have done just that. One of the two remaining 2nd season episodes, and also the penultimate episode of said season. This one finds Dawson and Joey ooey-gooey in love, Jen out of house and home, and Andie, Jack, and Pacey facing the wrath of a father who suddenly decided to show up. The Paternal McPhee decides that the family is better off outside of the Cape, and he intends to take them there, which means an inevitable Pandie split, and no more Jackers. Will they work it out? You already know they do!
Theme by Sound of Days.
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