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Episode 173 – Tamara’s Return

Andie Undies

What’s got your panties in a twist, Dawson? Oh.

Oh Tamara, you were problematic your first time through The Creek, and you’re even worse on your return trip.  It’s not cool to kiss teenage boys, no matter how your loins may ache for them.  That being said, this is the episode where Pacey makes the right decision and finally starts pursuing a girl his own age.  That girl being the wonderfully-amazing Andie McPhee (twitter haters come at us).  This is also the episode where Joey realizes that she loves Dawson… too much?  Too much to date him more than a few weeks?  Whatever Jo Pot.  We all know you’ll be snogging Jack in a few episodes.  Lastly this is also the episode where Jen and Abby literally cruise the docks for older men.  So what I’m saying, given the recent political stories out of Alabama, and given the Tamara/Pacey, Jen/Random Dockworker arcs, this episode is incredibly timely.  I so wish it weren’t.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsors Seize the Memes of Production and use the promo code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.

Episode 172 – Catch-222

Pacey is sad

Sure you lost all of Dawson’s Money, and Joey left you for a wannabe beatnick douche. But at least you have Doug.

Technical difficulties abound!  It took us two tries to get you an episode this week, but we pride ourself on one thing and one thing only: consistency.  This week we rolled up our second run through of that late season 6 episode called Catch-22.  Or as we come to call it, the great Table Clearing episode.  Put the friendships to the torch and the relationships to the sword, because we have a finale coming, and we cant have our stars carrying any baggage into that big ending.  Joey & Eddie decide to go to Europe, then they decide not to because Eddie is basically a huge child.  Pacey is bad at stockbrokering, and loses all his money plus all of Dawson’s money.  Jack gets kicked to the curb by Greg Rikaart with little mercy.  The only person who makes it out of this episode unscathed is Jen… but we know how it ends for her.  It’s a decent ep for season 6.  Not great, but it gets the job done.  At the end of it we read an email from Mike that includes some particularly saucy fan fiction.  Don’t miss it!

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsors Seize the Memes of Production and use the promo code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.  DO IT!  DO IT NAAAOOW!  GET TO THE CHOPPA!

Episode 171 – 2rue Love

The gang is all here

Squad goals.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are on a hot streak.  This will be our second watch through of True Love, but our first organic rolling of the famed episode.  This one needs no introduction, but since that is the exact purpose of this space, I am going to do it anyway.  Jen & Henry are on the rocks.  Jack and Ethan are on the rocks.  Joey and Pacey are on the rocks.  By the end of the episode these will all be resolved for better or for worse, with a little help from Grams.  Come for the Dawson Cryface Meme, stay for True Love sailing off into the sun…. rise.  We also read a particularly apropos email from MTSG, and provide our usual banter that you’ve all learned to tolerate.  WHAT COULD BE BETTER?  Thanks for listening.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Check out our sponsors Seize the Memes of Production and use the promo code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.

Episode 170 – Promicide

Jack and Tobes

Merry Christmas, MTSG!

So first off, yes, we fudged the rules a little, but nobody wants to watch the same episode two weeks in a row, so we made the executive decision, re-rolled the dice, and were gifted with our first dealer’s choice in a very long time.  The decision was tough, but as you can see… we made the right one. Promicide is one hell of an episode.  In a season where most of the kids are fairly well adjusted, and the angst is somewhat lacking, this episode is the boiling point.  Relationships fracture, friendships are reforged in the furnace of shared loss, alcohol is guzzled, and Drue friggin Valentine dons a tux to steal all of our hearts.  Of course it isn’t all bad, our boy Jack McPhee overcomes some personal hurdles, and comes out the clear winner of 4th season.  It’s one of those podcasts with long runs of silence as we forget that we are supposed to be entertaining, and instead just get entertained, but we hope you like it anyway.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsors at Seize the Memes of Production and use the promo code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.

Episode 169 – The Gra2uate

The New England-based Baywatch spinoff, Denim Beach, just couldn’t get the same traction as the original and only aired one episode.

Two penultimate episodes in a row!  This week is The Graduate, the beginning of the end of 4th season, and the beginning of the end of what most consider to be the best seasons of Dawson’s Creek.  The Graduate starts us off one day before graduation and the kids are tense.  Joey has to give a speech to the graduating class, #Hellabuilt (AKA Toby) is pressuring Jack to define their new relationship, and Pacey is looking at the strong possibility of failing his senior year.  Thankfully a hero rides back in to town to make it all better.  That hero is Andie McPhee.  Actually she has very little to do with helping anybody, but her presence is always appreciated.  Drue & Jen also get up to some shenanigans which never fails to entertain.  So grab a jar of ice cold pickles, kick back, and put this podcast in your brain.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit out sponsors Seize the Memes of Production and use the promo code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.

Episode 168 – The Abby

For the real reason Joey is wet, stay tuned to the listener voicemail.

Somebody been talking about art in here? Cuz Joey is… you get it. You’ve listened this long, you get it.

Fifth season is back, baby, and it’s coming in hard with the penultimate episode: The Abby.  The kids are done with their freshman year.  Pacey is equally parts disgusted and aroused by his boss.  Jen and Jack want to go to Costa Rica, until she gets the long awaited call from her parents asking her to spend the summer with her.  Thankfully Jack is there to offer advice.  Dawson and Joey are dancing around their feelings as usual, and Audrey just wants a buddy to chill with over the summer.  It’s a fun episode, not a lot of excitement and drama this late in the series, but fun nonetheless.  We, of course, watch it with you and provide unparalleled insight, then we dive into our listener submitted content, which is always fun.  EVERYONE IS HAVING FUN HERE WHY ARENT YOU?  Listen, and you just might.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsors Sieze the Memes of Production and use the promo code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.

Episode 167 – Crime and Punishment II

Pacey shows us what to do to Nazis and rich-boy art destroyers.

Pacey have problem. Pacey know how to solve problem. Pacey PUNCH problem!

Welcome back to the warm embrace of mid season 3 everybody, we’re so happy to be a part of it.  What do you do when the girl you have a secret crush on pours her heart and soul into painting a mural, only to have it defaced by the local trust fund daddy’s boy?  You beat the hell out of that daddy’s boy, that’s what you do!  And that is exactly what Pacey does.  Unfortunately they both have to face the fall out of their decisions.  All the while, Andie McPhee is wrestling with her own past misdeeds and the hypocrisy of being a cheater in charge of the school disciplinary committee.  Dawson is also there chilling, offering his advice to both sides.  Jen is, sadly, absent.  It is a fantastic episode featuring everyone’s favorite Capeside High principal:  Principal Green.  Thanks for listening.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsors Sieze the Memes of Production and use the promo code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.

Episode 166 – A Family Way II

Dawson hears about Gretchen's... mistake

Grams is lookin’ good this ep.

ABORTION.  There, I said it.  Now hopefully our podcast will be the top search result for abortion on Itunes.  It also happens to be, in part, what this week’s episode is about.  You see, Dawson’s mom and dad be bangin, as per usual.  But this time they raw dogged at the wrong time, and done got themselves a problem.  Gail is pregnant and has to figure out what to do.  The men of the family, rightfully having no say in the matter, have to learn to deal with her decision.  Meanwhile Joey is thinking about doing the deed as well, however she’s taking the precautions that the Leery family should have taken, and gettin’ educated on the matter.  Also, over in the C-Plot, Jack  and Andie are being adorable bro-sis soccer coaches.  It’s 4th Season, the teens are horny (as are the adults) and everybody is making like Salt & Peppa and talkin ’bout sex baby.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsors The Memes of Production and use the promo code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.

Episode 165 – His Leading Lady

Is this that dream again?  I just changed my sheets.

Huh, so that’s what they look like?

We all deal with personal strife in different ways.  Personally my different ways are all “vodka”, but the kids on the creek have their own methods.  Joey likes to paint, Dawson makes movies, and Andie retreats into her own personal hell, from which only a strong cocktail of meds can pull her back from the brink.  That and a strapping young boy in a velour track suit. This week we dive deep into these characters’ strife, and their coping methods.  We also meet Devon, the sexy tomboy actress whom Dawson casts to play the role of the young lady who has become the source of all his teenaged angst.  In an effort to get into character, Devon stirs up a whole mess of trouble between Dawson and Joey, which sucks for them, but is sweet nectar to us, the viewing audience.   Cameos, angst, nudity, this is a good one folks.  Also Tobygate 2017 continues in this week’s Email From Mike, so please join us!

Theme by Sound of Days.

Please visit our sponsors The Memes of Production and use the code “CREEK” for 10% off your order.

Episode 164 – The Anti Prom III

Alt right diva

You can almost hear her asking: “How come there’s no white pride month?”

There comes a time in every podcast, in which the hosts watch a randomly selected episode of their favorite TV show (I know… so many), where you have to say goodbye to an old favorite.  Today is the day.  It is our third and final viewing of The Anti Prom.  Unless we decide we want to viewer’s-choice it later or something.  Quick recap:  Dawson Loves Joey, Pacey loves Joey, Joey doesn’t know who she loves, and Barbara Johns loves homophobia.  So when Jack learns that he can’t bring his would-be boyfriend to the school prom, Dawson selflessly steps up and offers to host an anti-prom at his parents restaurant.  However, we know that Season 3 Dawson does nothing selflessly, and that it’s all a con to impress Joey.  What a snake.  Anyway it’s a classic episode with one of the most-tumblred moments of the series.  There’s also tribute to fallen rock stars and listener emails. So get all up in it with us, won’t you?

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsors The Memes of Production and use the code “CREEK” for 10% off!

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