Episode 153 – Parental Discretion Thrice Advised
Sometimes we watch an episode and don’t see it again for 153 weeks. Sometimes we knock out a 3-peat in a fiscal quarter. This episode brings us our third and final viewing of the season 2 finale: Parental Discretion Advised. It also brings an end to our summer break, so we have plenty to gab about while sort-of paying attention to the show (we pay attention for the highlights). Join us as we get our podcasting legs back and enjoy such classic moments as the Pacey-dad-punch, Joey’s dad cryface, Jen reuniting with grams, and of course Joey going undercover. It’s an end-of-vacay-podcastaganza!
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 152 – The Importance of Not Being Too Earnest

I love a good group shot. I also love beer. I also love Busy Phillips. You can imagine how much I enjoy this screen cap.
I watched this episode 2 days ago as of this writing. I can not remember what it was about. It is the third episode of season 6 and it sets up very little. Pacey lands a whale at his stock broker job nobody cares about. Jack has a crush on Hot Prof. Joey sends a personal email to her entire college. I’m bored just writing about it! Luckily for all of you, we still managed to have a good time and recorded a pretty fun ep. Be warned: There will be singing. Protect your glassware.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 151 – Lovelines II
We’re sorry.
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Episode 150 – To Be or Not To Be Two
A mere 3 episodes ago we saw the aftermath to the mess that is stirred up in this week’s classic. Such is the nature of our strange experiment. If you are new to our podcast as of 3 eps ago, you’ll finally get to see what all the fuss was about, why Jack was so distressed, why Pacey was so distressed, why Joey was so distressed, why Dawson was… chillin. This is the fateful Jack Def Poetry Slam episode, and it is just as good the second time around. Except for the Jen storyline which is boring as can be, but that’s season 2 for you. Enjoy!
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 149 – All Good Things (Must Come to an End) III
It’s no secret that we love the final episode of Dawson’s Creek. So when we rolled it up, we set aside the distress at having an extra long episode and dove right in. Unsurprisingly, even though it is our third viewing, we have not grown any less fond of the DC send off. You know the gist, the gang all comes back to Capeside for Gail’s wedding to generic handsome guy #749, much reminiscing and alcohol is enjoyed, then the sad news that Jen (now a mother) is sick and dying. Then there is the spiral as everyone tries to deal with losing her. It’s tough, but it’s worth it. So please join us for the Dawson’s Creek Finale, and remember that we will see you soon, child (Next week!).
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 148 – The Second All Nighter
Some repeats are a bummer, and some we can’t wait to roll again, The All Nighter is definitely the latter. Not a particularly memorable episode plot-wise, it is one of the more straight up fun Dawson’s Creek episodes on the roster, and I’d hazard to guess even watching it a third time around wouldn’t bum us out at all. As a refresher, the awful English teacher is having an exam that the kids have to cram for, so they meet up at what’s-his-name’s deluxe apartment in the sky to have an all night study session. Of course it devolves into drinking wine, taking purity tests, and for a few lucky crammers… a little hot tub sexy time. It’s just a fun ensemble episode with a bunch of horny couples crammed into a McMansion, what more could you want?
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 147 – That Is The Question
There aren’t many super iconic episodes that we have yet to watch on this grand experiment we have undertaken, but I feel like That Is The Question is one of them, or at least the 2nd part of a 2 parter that constitutes one arc. This is the episode immediately following the reading of the fateful poem that landed Jack in a mess of trouble. The ep where Jack has to admit to his family, his girlfriend, and himself… “Am I OK with this haircut?” We all know the answer, Jackers. You are not. Seriously though, this is an important and truly great episode of TV that handles a delicate situation pretty well. Jack comes out to his jerk dad, he tells Joey the truth, and the truth finally sets him free. Also Pacey & Andie make up. Yay!
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 146 – Instant Karma!
In honor of Joey’s homework, this episode synopsis will be written in the style of Jack Kerouac:
Wowee-there we were bee-boppin at a Boston College blowout, the tenorman blowing that horn like he couldn’t be stopped! It was wild man, wild! My buddy Jack was putting the moves on a local professor, while sweet Audrey was tossing back whiskey like a line man tosses hobos from a freight car. Jen was having a good old time too, when she ran into the love of her life, CJ, holy smokes that cat was clean as a country whistle but could throw a mean right hook. Dawson was wrangling a drunk hussy for his curly haired limey boss, and Joey was dancing around the bar this way and that, wholly unimpressed by yours truly. Thankfully my main man Eddie was there to set her straight, it aint all about books baby, it’s about living and dancing and girls and grass, and saxophone music that goes twee-diddly-ee bow zappa boom BWA into the unending dream night of our souls!
Something like that.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 145 – The Kids Are Alright

D: Are you pondering what I’m pondering?
J: I think so, Dawson, but how will we get a pair of Abe Vigoda’s pants?
Just as all days must turn to night, and all brains must be eaten, all soulmates must try to bang. Sometimes it’s after a long, multiple episode arc, thick with storytelling, drama, and emotion. And sometimes it’s tacked on to the last 5 minutes of a season premiere. Such as it is with life, I suppose. Cheesy though that may be, the 6th season opener is actually a lot of fun. Pacey & Audrey are back from a summer in California that might have been more fun for one of them than the other. Jack has an assembly line of hot bros coming into service him and be serviced. Joey has a new professor, and we have a new guy to hate with the fury of a billion suns. And Dawson is back in town to say hi to his bestie, and then bone her. It’s a season premiere so it’s just good light fun. The kids are hanging out and we, your humble hosts, are hanging out with them. You are welcome to hang with us.
Theme by Sound of Days.
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Episode 144 – Merry Mayhem
Merry Christmas everybody! This week we rolled a doozy, Merry Mayhem finds the gang (except Jack) back in Capeside where everyone (except Jack) are dealing with their own personal issues, but in a big family setting (minus Jack). Pacey’s rich now and lording it over his brother. Joey is dating Eddie, and he’s weirdly afraid of meeting her family, but then does anyway! Speaking of family, Jailbird papa is out on parole and home for the holidays! Audrey, meanwhile, is raiding every medicine and/or liquor cabinet in site, and Jen is looking real cute in the background and not really doing much. Get all these people together around a dinner table, and we have a cluster-eff of epic proportions. The 6th season streak continues!
Theme by Sound of Days.
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