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Episode 143 – That Was Then (but this is That Was Then, again)

Harley don't play dat.

Harley don’t play dat.

Imagine if you will.  You’re in the final season of a beloved TV show.  The show is in a bit of a slump, story-wise, but you’ve just managed to nail a home run episode reuniting two characters with enough chemistry to make Walter White jealous, ending on a will-they-won’t-they cliffhanger.  How do you follow up?  If your answer is to shoehorn in a pointless episode that resolves nothing, adds nothing, and may as well not exist, then congratulations!  That was Then has its moments.  Dawson revisiting Mr. Gold’s class, Pacey and Dawson hugging it out on the dock, Harley’s creepy, yet strangely charming boyfriend.  However after the fireworks display that was Castaways, this episode is a pretty big bummer.  It’s good moments are overshadowed by the fact that it isn’t what you want, and that makes it not very fun.  On the bright side, we are here to watch it with you, and inject our own “humor” into the melange of mediocrity and sadness that is this season 6 dud.  Am I overselling it?  I think I’m overselling it.  Why would you not download after this glowing write up? Thank you all so much.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsor The Memes of Production and use the promo code “Creek” for 10% off your order.

Ep 142 – Castaways 2: Return to K-Mart Island

Pacey, freshly shorn. And Joey, freshly... horny... or something.  That's why it's alt text and not the actual caption.

Much Better

When we first watched Castaways we had to force it via a dealer’s choice roll.   Sometimes, however, the stars align and magic happens on its own, which is the case this week.  For those who don’t know (and I would wonder why you are listening to this), Castaways is an episode in which Pacey and Joey get locked in a K-Mart and are forced to confront their long and storied past, after nearly a season and a half of avoiding it.  It is an island of greatness in the sea of mediocrity that is season 6.  We, of course, are all about it.  Stay tuned after the episode as we both give a musical rendition of some listener submitted content.  It is, as the kids would say, “fire”.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Check out our sponsors and homies at The Memes of Production for humorous swag.  Use the code “Creek” for 10% off your order. Use any other promo code, and YOU’RE DEAD TO US!

Episode 141 – Parental Discretion Advised Again

Dawson & Joey make out


Another week, another creek, and this time it’s a recently-viewed classic.  It was less than ten episodes that we watched the season 2 finale, but we’re here again to give it another once over.  There are fires, there is assault on a law enforcement officer, there is cocaine, there are suicidal thoughts, there are deep, probing tongue kisses from a giant headed man and a little woodland fawn, and that is just during the show!  Afterward we have emails and voicemails that actually leave us speechless.  Our podcast in general is a very strange concept, but this week it may be going to another level with listener submitted content.  We could not be happier.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Check out our sponsor The Memes of Production and use the promo code “Creek” for 10% off your order!

Episode 140 – Crossroads

Jen & Abby

I ship dat. I ship dat hurrrd.

The awful season 5 streak has ended and delivered us back into the waiting arms of 2nd season.  The 2nd episode of the 2nd season as a matter of fact.  Cross roads finds the gang at, well… Pacey is sick of being the sidekick and wants his own story line.  Dawson and Joey have their first fight as a couple (revolving around the fact that Dawson is a douche), and Jen is acting out in an attempt to get Dawson’s attention.  This is classic season 2 stuff and we have a great time watching it and ruining it for our listeners.  That’s how we do.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsor, The Memes of Production, and use the promo code “Creek” to make your order only cost 90% of what it would without said promo code.

Episode 139 – The Bostonians Round 2

The Pillow, Audrey, and Joey

First the pink monster pillow devoured Joey’s butt, now it’s taking Audrey’s as well! Is no booty safe?*

Well gang, you ever go on a multi-week bender of drugs an alcohol, where you stay stoned out of your gourd for weeks on end, living in euphoric nirvana, uncaring of the world outside of your own chemically-induced playground? No? Just me? Well one day you have to either die or get clean, and the hangover is going to be a bitch.  For many many weeks we lived the Dawson’s Creek version of that sweet sweet rush, and now the chickens have come home to roost.  Welcome to the 5th season streak!  This week it is back to the premiere, as we get experience the drama of seeing the kids outside of their natural habitat of Capeside all over again.  This is a fine season premiere.  And when we watched it the first time, it was enjoyable enough to see how the beginning of the end started for DC.  The second time around, however, is not so enjoyable.  So get ready for some rambling.  Yep, it’s one of THOSE episodes.  Enjoy!

Theme by Sound of Days.

Check out our sponsor The Memes of Production and use the promo code “Creek” for 10% off your order.  You can properly DECIMATE your order with this promo code.


*Alt caption:  I’ve heard of Boston’s Green Monster, but apparently in the early 2000s it also had a PINK monster…  This wasn’t worth the footnote, was it?

Episode 138 – Highway to Hell

Pacey & Audrey

I’m not gonna lie,  I’m really hungry, and I’m trying to come up with a caption but all I can do is stare at that damn cupcake and wish it was inside me. It’s not like anybody reads these anyway, right? Tweet #CupcakeCaption if you did. Or don’t. Hey Josh, you got any cupcakes back there?

ROAD TRIP!  This week Joey joins a band and has to road trip to the gig with Charlie, Pacey, and Audrey.  Hijinks ensue as testosterone levels reach maximum and Pacey feels compelled to defend his brood. Meanwhile, Dawson, Jen, and Jackers attend Dawson’s Sister’s birthday party back in Capeside and are, for some reason, surprised to see that Gail is dating another man.  Jen feels torn between being supportive of her boyfriend and admitting the feelings of doubt that have been forming about their relationship.  Look, it’s 5th season, so it isn’t great, but it does have moments of fun.  Joey sings, Dawson gets dumped, Pacey & Audrey are all horny for each other.  As 5th season goes, it isn’t that bad, and we kick it up a notch to make it even better.  Please join us, if for no other reason than to keep us from suffering through yet another Joey Potter musical number in vain.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Check out The Memes of Production and use the code “Creek” for 10% off your order.  Spend $1,000,000 and save $100,000.  THATS INSANE SAVINGS!

Episode 137 – The Lost Weekend Vol. 2

Jen wears cans

MFW I watched this episode.

Hullo Ladies and Gontlemen, welcome back to Creek of the Week.  This week we have rolled up what is actually a pretty fun episode, considering it is the second episode of season 5, when some folks would say our beloved Creek jumped the shark.  We would never say that, however.  We know that all seasons have moments of greatness, fun, and most of all, untapped potential.  Never is this more evident than in the setup for the DC college years that The Lost Weekend attempts to make.  Charlie could have been a fun romance for Jen.  Brofessor Wilder and Brecher could have been actual mentors to Joey & Pacey.  Audrey and Dawson could have had a pretty hot college fling.  Alas, we know it didn’t come to pass, but The Lost Weekend gives us a glimpse into what could have been, and for that it is actually a pretty enjoyable watch.  Dig it alongside us, won’t you?

Theme by Sound of Days.

Check out The Memes of Production and use the code “Creek” for 10% off your order.

Episode 136 – Pilot 3

Dawson laughing

Dawson just heard that you don’t follow @talkindawson on twitter. His mirth can not be contained.

Welcome back creek of the weekers, this week we are watching the Pilot one last time. Dawson and Joey are coming of age and dealing with emerging feelings when the hot new girl comes to town and throws a wrench into everything, in the midst of all this, wild-child Pacey starts a romance with his english teacher.  It’s the pilot ep we all know and love, and we’re happy to go around the horn one more time.  After the episode, we have a healthy batch of voicemails and emails to get through as well.  Classic Creek!  Community Interaction!  Joey snarking Jen!  What more could a podcast listener ask for?

Theme by Sound of Days.

Visit our sponsors The Memes of Production and use the promo code “creek” for 10% off.

Episode 135 – High Risk Behavior 2: Higher & Riskier

Blah blah Monet something something Van Gogh hoodley doodley Andy Warhol. *Sploosh*

New episode, same High Risk Behavior.   This week we usher in what is hopefully the beginning of a brand new streak, with one of our favorite season 2 episodes.  Everyone is feeling randy and paired off into 3 couples.  One of these couples is gonna go to the bone zone.  Will it be Dawson and Jen, loaded with sexual tension from the moment she stepped out of the cab.  Joey and Jack, who find themselves in the midst of a nude art modelling project.  Or Pacey and Andie, the first example of an actual healthy loving relationship on this show?  The truth will not be revealed on this ep, but that doesn’t stop the fun.  Please join us for another equally enjoyable round of High Risk Behavior.

Theme by Sound of Days.

Check out our sponsors The Memes of Production and use the promo code “Creek” for 10% off.  That’s 1/10th!

Episode 134 – Catch 22

Eddie & Joey

Lets run away to Europe together! What? What about when we get back? SCREW YOU GET OUT OF MY LIFE FOREVER!!!

All great streaks come to an end, and ours has on this day.  However, that doesn’t mean we still can’t have a good time anyway, right?  So after weeks of Dealer’s Choice and primo mid-series episodes, we finally rolled a stinker.  Catch 22 is primarily a Joey & Pacey episode, however they don’t interact with each other, they interact with their boring 6th season foils that nobody really cares much about.  Jack has a little bit of plot advancement in what is by far the most ineresting story, however it is rushed and sadly underdeveloped.  They also manage to cram Jen and Dawson in for a combined 3 minutes of screen time.  The main takeaways from this episode is that Eddie leaves Joey, and Pacey gets fired from his awful stockbroker job.  Luckily, we are here to make fun of the bad and try to dig out the tiny nuggets of good.  When that fails, we talk about other stuff!  Enjoy!

Theme by Sound of Days.

Check out our sponsors The Memes of Production and use the code “Creek” for 10% off your order.

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