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Episode 292 – The Roast

Moira, thank you for your concern, but we are fine and we have a new episode ready right now.

Hey kiddos, Sorry for the brief hiatus, but we are back with another banger. This week’s episode of Schitt’s Creek doesn’t have a lot of drama but makes up for it in laughs, as it is, in this host’s humble opinion, one of the funnier episodes of the season. Johnny has to fill in for Moira at the roast of the town mayor, and it turns out he’s not very good at it. Naturally he enlists help of the townies to give him some tips. Patrick and Stevie have a dark secret they desperately want to keep from Moira, and Alexis learns that her beloved has been accepted to study in the Galapagos.

Episode 291 – Meet The Parents

This is also my family’s reaction when politics is brought up at the holidays.

This week’s Schitt’s Creek starts with the revelation that David is throwing the one and only surprise party of his life for his BF Patrick, and has secretly invited his lover’s parents to the soiree. This inadvertently puts Johnny in a, wait for it, awkward position, when he accidentally outs Patrick to his parents who were unaware of he and David’s relationship. Meanwhile, Moira and Alexis attend a soap opera convention and learn that serious bank can be made for feet pics.

Episode 290 – Roadkill

Ted’s “I’m about to have sex” face is not as sexy as we might have hoped.

This week is all about dead animals and sex in public spaces, my two favorite things. While headed out of town for a spa-retreat, Johnny and Moira accidentally plow over a cat. Then, for some reason, they hunt down the owners of the cat, and once again for an unknown purpose, sit around that person’s house all day until finally, for reasons nobody can guess, they give away their spa package to the family that is obviously taking advantage of them. Meanwhile David and Stevie are hawking foot creams at the local flea market, while Alexis watches the store, and Ted watched dat azzzzzz. Then they bone.

Episode 289 – The M.V.P.

Baseball, that’s our national sport.

As the Olympics come to a close, it is only fitting we say farewell with possibly the most athletic episode of Schitt’s Creek. This week the town’s two baseball teams are competing in the league finale. One wonders: How many teams started in this tournament? Where are all those players? Was it always going to come down to these two teams? SHUT UP! Stop asking questions and enjoy the show! It’s TELEVISION, for chrissake. Anyway, also Moira is directing a play and Stevie has the jitters.

Episode 288 – The Hospies

You’re gonna have a lot bit of laughsis when you… listen to… our show. Yikes.

A lot of stuff happens on this episode. Johnny and Stevie win an award right as Stevie is getting unceremoniously dumped by a bastard. Moira settles into the role of Director of Cabaret, and David makes fun of Patrick for being a pushover. But who are we kidding, none of that matters. This is the Little Bit Alexis episode. She’s a Lamborghini, she’s a Hollywood Star, and she’s the queen of Episode 288.

Episode 287 – A Whisper of Desire

I hate it when I find a really good screenshot and can’t think of a damn thing to caption it with. Feel free to tweet your own caption ideas to @talkindawson.

So we decided to take a break from our break to break to bring you just a little bit of content during this long hot summer. This week we have a fine episode in which Johnny finds himself possibly having a sexy and mature admirer. Surely there’s no way it was all an awkward misunderstanding. Not on this show! Also, David has a baby forced upon him while having an important business meeting, and Moira decides to back-seat direct the local playhouse’s presentation of Cabaret. Is that it? Of course not, this episode is also chock full of sexy talk about weather patterns in the west Texas desert, and stories of dirt-holes and train tracks.

Episode 286 – Rock On!

Zhampagne, magic brownies, hair metal. Y’know, she’s kind of the butt of the joke this episode, but I would legit party with Jocelyn.

Three plot lines this week, each more awkward than the last. First, the jazzagals had a trip to the local casino planned to see a Poison concert, when the show falls through they decide to have a girl’s night anyway which leads to some mid-life crisis Jocelyn action. Next, David makes the horrible decision of convincing his boyfriend to date another guy, then he has to deal with his own emotional fallout of his dumb actions. Thankfully Alexis is there to make it worse. Finally Johnny sees Stevie’s big-honkin’ mommy milkers, and much cringe was had by all.

Episode 285 – Housewarming

I just picked this because everybody looks happy and that seems like it would be nice.

Well this week we have a certified top tier Schitts Creek episode for you. Housewarming combines the joy of inept childcare with the excitement of a drunken gathering in your underwear. Firstly Johnny and Moira are watching the Schitt kid, the Schitt boy? Schitt baby? You get the idea its Roland and Jocelyn’s child. Meanwhile pretty much every other named character under 45 is at Patrick’s housewarming party in their PJs. Drinks are consumed, lips touch lips, and SO’s get peeved. All in all a really great episode.

Episode 284 – The Dress

Excitement, boredom, confusion. The only three reactions we ever receive here at COTW.

This week your hosts catch up from their week off with some of the usual recommendos. Then we dive into The Dress, a fan favorite episode featuring karoake, Coture, and Confessions from Ted the Vet. Also, in the case of Stevie, possible Coitus? Watch along with us and you be the judge.

Episode 283 – The Plant

Gross, look what they’re doing with their hands.

This week your hosts briefly talk about a crime novel author you’ve probably never heard of, then dive into The Creek. The Motel has a “V-VIP” guest staying with them, and the employees concoct a scheme to impress him. Meanwhile Moira deals with Jocelyn’s breakdown, and David helps Patrick find a place to live. It’s a good one!

Good friends of our show wrote this book. Check it out!