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Episode 263 – Motel Review

It’s November 3, 2020 7:00 PM as I write this and I have nothing for you.

Hey guys, how ya’ll doing? We recorded this on Sunday, it was released on Wednesday. Between those two days some stuff happened. I hope that stuff went well for you and this episode finds you in a chipper mood. If not, maybe it will give you 40 minutes of escapism. Either way, if you are listening to our show and reading these descriptions, you’re a winner in our book. This week is about a bad motel review, and we get to meet Patrick for the first time. Also Johnny “helps” Alexis with her homework. It’s a good time!

Episode 262 – General Store

Alexis might be the actual youngest person in this class.

Picture this, you’re in a small town in the Cunited States of Amanada, you desperately need an exfoliating mask and some candles that smell like Italian shoe leather. Where are you gonna go? Wal-Mart? Dollar Tree? There is nobody to fill that hole in your heart… Yet. Soon there will be, and in this episode we get to watch the birth of an idea that will eventually lead to the vibrant and moisturized skin of dozens of small town Canameradicans. Also, we get to watch Alexis go back to highschool, and Johnny helps ol’ Ivan spit mad game at Twila. It’s fun, we have fun here. COME HAVE FUN WITH US.

Episode 261 – Murder Mystery

Come on, there’s no world where I would have used any other screenshot. I have a 12 year old’s sense of humor.

This week’s Schitts Creek is a fun episode that finds Johnny and Stevie taking a trip to the local golf course to court potential business. We find out a dark and shameful secret from Alexis, and David just kind of ambles around pointlessly. Moira lends support but not much else. Meanwhile your hosts rant and reminisce like they always do because that’s basically what this show is. Hey, don’t look at me, you’re the one who downloaded the 261st episode. You’re either in it for the long haul, which means you’re already a lost cause, or you’re some weirdo who got through the incredibly confusing marketing (Wait, is it Schitt’s or Dawson’s?) and for some reason thought “That’s how I want to spend an hour!” Whichever one you are, we freakin’ love you and thanks for listening.

Episode 260 – Rooms By The Hour

Dan Levy takes a moment between scenes to check the official Creek of the Week twitter feed (@talkindawson) for important podcast updates.

This week the title says it all as Johnny decides to make the motel a house of ill-repute and allow the local illegal sex trade to make use of some of their rooms for a week. Meanwhile, Moira books a movie that will almost become a secondary character for the rest of the run of this show. Your hosts also do reccomendos and things get a little real while talking current events.

Episode 259 – Driving Test

Alexis looking ready to buckle David’s swash. Sorry, I’m tired.

Hello! The real world has been chaotic and frightening, but here inside the Creek Zone things are all warm and comforting. So put on your jammies and crawl under the blankie with your hosts for some… waitaminute, it got weird didn’t it? This week David has to take a driving test, but more importantly he has to learn to trust his sister. Meanwhile Johnny may have found a new calling, and it puts Stevie at ease. Moira is also out there chewing scenery as only she can. We also give reccomendos for 40 year old movies, and read listener email.

Episode 258 – New Car

It’s got safety tubes but I aint scared. The brakes are good. Tires: fair.

Hey guys, I just watched the first presidential debate of 2020 and I am feeling particularly nihilistic, and also a tad drunk, so I am trying desperately to put aside my all-consuming fear for the future of our republic and focus on writing a clear and concise recap of the 258th episode of Creek of the Week. Here goes: Johnny Rose has decided it is time for his family to purchase a new *pause for 20 seconds of screaming* car for the family. Alexis finds out that *gnashing of teeth* Vet Ted has a naughty secret. David helps Stevie address her own *cutting myself just to feel something* existential crisis, and Moira plays a character to *20 minutes of uninterrupted weeping* help get a great deal on a new whip. We also talk about the freakin emmys!

Episode 257 – The Throuple

The Cast of Schitt’s Creek notices the herd of Emmys about to trample them to death.

Hello Fam, this week’s fine podcast finds David and Stevie dealing with the fallout of sharing a hot young fvckboi. Meanwhile Johnny takes a temp gig as a waiter, and Moira and Alexis attempt to bond, apparently for the first time ever. Prior to that your hosts artfully explain to all television executives why they should be in charge of their businesses. What a week for some Creek.

Episode 256 – Opening Night

Hi Mike & Matt.

The hiatus is over, the mics are hot, and the boys are back in town bringing you a fresh ladle full of Schitt to upend directly into the pleasure center of your beautiful brain. This week is a low-key season premiere that finds Stevie and David porking the same gentleman. Meanwhile Moira learns that local politics aren’t as easy as she thought they would be. Johnny comes face to face with his many failures, and Alexis is asked to plant-sit for the departing Mutt. Your hosts also discuss the many important events that happened on January 10th, and other titillating and tantalizing tales you won’t want to miss. Am I coming on too strong with this description? I can roll it back next week if you’d prefer something a little lower-key. It’s just I haven’t done this in a while and I’m a little nervous and when I get nervous I overuse my adjectives a bit, and lean super heavy on alliteration. Just don’t reject me, I don’t think I could handle it right now. I’m very vulnerable. Enjoy the episode.

Episode 255 – Happy Anniversary

No joke here, I just was vibing on Stevie’s Wonder Woman stance.

If Schitt’s Creek does one thing well, it’s their season finales, and the second one is no exception. This week we watch the drama leading up to, and unfolding at another classic Mutt Barn Party. First there was a question about Alexis’ invitation (she goes anyway). Then there was a question about whether David or Stevie had claimed a particular evening conquest. Meanwhile the elder Rose’s are reunited with friends from their rich-days who don’t have anything nice to say about their new home. Y’know, fun problems! No pandemics or cop murderers or inept leaders pushing us ever deeper into the lake of fascism from which we may never be able to return.

Episode 254 – Yard Signs

#Moira2020 #MyFirstFamily #UCAS

Simply because we know you can’t get enough politics talk, this week’s episode focuses on a political campaign, and the ugly dealing you sometimes have to get into to wrap your dirty little mits around that tender throat of political power. This is something Moira knows all too well as she hatches a scheme to thwart her better-funded opponent, and it pays dividends. Meanwhile David shows remarkable business sense and is paid even more dividends. Alexis and Johnny don’t do much, but damn they look good not doing it.

Good friends of our show wrote this book. Check it out!