Episode 233 – Bad Parents
Welcome to Episode 4 of Schitt’s Creek. This week we find the Rose’s looking to connect with their children, while their children connect with the locals. Look, it’s a 20 minute show, I can’t write a much more detailed description of the episode than that. You want specifics? Fine. David and Stevie attempt to sell David’s incredibly expensive clothing collection at various pawn shops and marketplaces. Alexis picks up garbage and spies on her new man-crush-Mutt, thinking he’s involved in a sordid affair, but it turns out it’s just his mom. Oop, SPOILER ALERT. Thanks a lot, I just spoiled the whole damn show because you all insisted on having a more detailed description of this episode. I blame YOU. YOU made me do this. It seems that I have become all that I once loathed, in the vain hope of getting one shred of appreciation, one mote of graciousness, one fleck of compassion from you, dear listener, whom I hold above all others. High atop a lofty pedestal, shining your beatific light down upon us lowly content creators begging for download scraps about your ankles. Won’t you please bequeath your bounty upon us? Download us. Listen to us. Consume US and quench the thirst that hath beparched our barren throats for want of your love. Oh, also Moira can’t remember Alexis’ middle name.
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Episode 232 – Don’t Worry it’s His Sister
Episode 3 finds Johnny Rose attempting to get a DeEpLy ErOtIc sign removed from the edge of town, while Moira, faced with her own insignificance, does what all failures do: teach (COHOST BURN). Meanwhile your hosts struggle to find their way in this strange new podcasting world they’ve been thrust into. These episodes are so damn short we don’t even hit our stride before POOF, it’s all over. Don’t worry about us though, we’ll figure it out.
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Episode 231 – Schitt’s Creek: The Drip
Pilots are special, they have to both introduce a show, and grab the attention of potential producers. Second episodes are the true beginning of a series. Perhaps someone should do a podcast that’s just second episodes of various shows, Josh if you’re reading this add it to the list. So Schitt’s Creek truly begins with a few notable events: a water leak, a fondue party, and a kegger in an empty field. Unfortunately only one of these events leads to a fistful of molten cheese. Your hosts, meanwhile, talk about something so inanely unimportant that one of them can’t even recall a single word spoken as he writes this very podcast description. Oh well, I’m sure it was hilarious, timely, and poignant, as all things they say are. This is a bad way to describe a podcast episode, god I hope nobody reads these.
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Episode 230 – Schitt’s Creek: Our Cup Runneth Over
Hey everybody! Welcome back to Creek of the Week. The official podcast of all creek-related television programming. Now that we’ve thoroughly broken down Dawson’s Creek we are moving on to Schitt’s Creek, and since one of your hosts has yet to watch the series, we’re going in order this time. No better place to start than at the beginning. Synopsis: Rich family suddenly becomes poor family, but are allowed to keep one asset, a small podunk town to which they somehow own the deed. Family moves to small town, classic fish-out-of-water hijinks ensue. Schitt’s Creek is a delightful show that I feel has a lot in common with it’s predecessor creek. Maybe a little less angst and a little more humor, but equally full of big personalities, an amazing cast, and a big ol’ heart. We hope you will give it a go with us. It’s good to be back!
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Episode 229 – My Three Dicks

Get yourself a partner who looks at you the way Michelle Williams looks at Dan Hadeya’s Richard Nixon.
Hey guys. Remember us? We used to do a weekly podcast about Dawson’s Creek. Well, due to many circumstances coming together at once (both hosts moving, a broken computer, the usual constant, nagging depression at the state of the world around us), we have been absent from your ears for far too long. In our attempt to dip our toes back into the cool waters of the podcasting world, we decided to watch a film that is both Creek-adjacent, and entirely appropriate to semi-current events. The movie Dick stars 2 Dawson’s Creek Alums: Emmy award winners Michelle Williams, and Harry Shearer. One of those two is featured a bit more prominently than the other. Dick is a hilarious tale about two teenage girls who find themselves wrapped up in a famous presidential scandal, and though it was made 20 years ago it feels eerily…. familiar. I can’t put my finger on why, but I think you might notice it as well. There are a million dick jokes, and a million cameos from the greatest the C-list had to offer in 1999 (no shame though, we both love the cast of this movie). We are here to watch it, and commentate upon it for your listening pleasure. Thank you to all our listeners who still have us on their feeds, and bear with us while we do dumb stuff like watch a 20 year old movie instead of the show that bears the name of the podcast.
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Whatever of the Week
No new-show announcement, no Dawson’s Creek talk, nothing super interesting really. Just Eric & Josh getting back in the studio to knock the rust off the mics and put something on tape. If you like our pre-show banter segment, think of this podcast as that… for an hour. Why would you listen to that, you might ask? Your guess is as good as mine, but thank you if you do.
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Ep 227 – A Winter’s 2ale: CoTW Series Finale

I try not to re-use screen caps. But I googled “A Winter’s Tale” and this hack job I made in 2015 was the third result. It felt appropriate. Thanks for listening, everyone.
As promised, we end this show as we began it, with our favorite teen-deflowering episode ever to air on television: A Winter’s Tale. You know what happens: Ski trip, naked fumblings, Dawson kills a guy. We’ve all seen it. It’s what happens before and after Dawson’s Creek that make this particular podcast special. We started doing this never expecting anyone to ever download or listen. From our first twitter interactions with listeners, to emails and mentions on DC forums, we realized what really made podcasting fun was not talking to each other, we’ve spent more than enough time doing that in our lives, but talking to other people who share a similar interest in this dumb teen soap, and a similar weird sense of humor. This last episode is a tribute to everyone else who really made our show something that we will never forget. It may sound like we are just reading emails of people heaping accolades on us, but I hope it comes across that the feeling is, very much, mutual. To everyone who contributed over the years, or everyone who never said a word and just lurked and listened. Thanks for making this podcast with us. It’s been fun as hell.
But keep an eye on this feed because we will have more stuff coming that we hope you like. Peace!
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Episode 226 – All Good Things Must Come to an End.

Get you a podcast that looks at you the way Joey looks at Pacey. Wait, what? Podcasts don’t look at… SHUT UP and go with it!
Our next to last regularly scheduled episode is a doozy. For the fourth time we watch the entire series finale of Dawson’s Creek. Our love of this episode is well established, but we felt a final run-through was warranted as our time winds down to its inevitable conclusion. Is a recap necessary? Ok fine: 5 years later, Dawson runs TV show, Pacey owns restaurant in Capeside, Joey editor and engaged? Jack teaching in Capeside, dating Doug in secret. Jen single mom. All gather for Gail’s wedding. Fun times. Jen faints. Not fun times. Jen dying. Gang Sad. Dawson and Pacey still love Joey. Joey can’t decide. Jen says DECIDE BITCH. Jen dies. Joey decides. Jack kisses Doug in public. Dawson meets Speilberg, Joey Pacey OTP.
On top of the double ep we have a lot of banter and several awesome emails. Which brings this show’s runtime in as one of our longest ever. Just in time for Christmas traveling and avoiding confrontation with racist family members! You’re welcome! Now what did you get us? Huh? Oh? Oh no… thats cool. I mean yeah why would you? I mean we don’t even know each other so I get it it’s fine. We have been dropping hints about emails and voicemails but you’re busy, and money is tight so don’t worry about it it’s fine. I gotta go I’vegotsomethinginmyeye..
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Episode 225 – Eastern Standard Time
For our final first-time episode we are treated to Eastern Standard Time, and find it just delightful. It’s senior skip day, but Pacey can’t go because he’s already skating on thin Ice, but is eventually convinced by Drue to go anyway. Dawson grabs Gretchen and heads out on an ill-fated road trip. And Joey & Jen head to New York to settle some unfinished business. So we have hilarious bar-antics, a romantic beach make out sesh, and high drama from the always-amazing Michy Dubz. We enjoy this episode a lot, and find it to be a fine one to finish our first-watch run. We also read some incredibly kind emails, and bask in the love of our listeners, which is seriously a little overwhelming as we wrap this thing up. Thanks everyone for listening!
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Episode 224 – First Encounters of the Close Kind
This week we finish off our last unwatched 3rd season episode which finds (some of) the gang going on a road trip, ostensibly to check out college, but everyone kind of has their own agenda. Joey meets AJ AKA The Worst, and begins their dumb little thing. Dawson has his Blair Witch knockoff entered in a film contest, and finds himself horribly outmatched and embarrassed. Jack is checking out the local queer scene for the first time and getting out of his shell a little bit. And Andie is spending the day with a secretary who seems happy to stand in for her therapist. All in all, it’s kind of a filler ep with not a lot to offer, but it definitely has it’s moments, and if you’re an AJ fan, you’re in for a treat watching him mansplain and insult Joey all episode long. I hate AJ. Like, I know I say that in the show a bunch, but I really hate that weasly little fucker. I try not to curse in these synopsis because it messes up itunes, but lets be serious. He is a weasly little fucker who starts out treating Joey like garbage, til he decides he has a thing for her, then in a later episode he lords his knowledge of literature over her like that’s some great feat. No shit, you’ve read more books than her, she’s in High School and you’re in college. You’re dating a child. To top it off he makes his FUCKING EX, who obviously still has a thing for him, pick Joey up at the bus station. It’s fucked up to both of them. He’s an asshole, and lets be honest, his face is fucking weird. I know that’s shallow, but you and I both know that Joey can do better. Hell, Abby Morgan could do better. Fuck AJ, sorry if you like him. What were we doing here? Oh yeah…
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